Emerald Village

Emerald Village

Emerald Village is open every day from March 24th through October 31st. Hours:10:00 AM – 4:00 PM April, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM May, September, and October and 9:00 AM – 6:00 Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day.

There are many things to do at Emerald Village which includes the NC Mining museum which is a self-guided underground mine tour and costs $8 for adults.

The Gemstone Mine which is located in a real mine and they guarantee that you find a real gem and prices start at $10.

Gold Panning prices start at $10 and according to their website, there is gold in every bucket.

Other available tours are Dig Your Own at Crabtree Emerald Mine, Mineral Collecting On the McKinney Mine Dumps and the Night-time Black Light Tour. Prices vary.

Emerald Village is located in western North Carolina, midway between Asheville and Boone/Blowing Rock, North Carolina.

They are located near the Village of Little Switzerland, NC, their street address is 331 McKinney Mine Road, Spruce Pine, NC 28777.

Visit their website at www.emeraldvillage.com for more information.